Success Story
Ingage Partners
Partnering with a purpose
Ingage Partners is a purpose-driven technology and business consultancy that takes a people-centered approach, believing every business decision is an opportunity to be a force for good. As a certified B Corp Company and 513 Green Certified Workplace, the vision of Ingage Partners is “to be a thriving example of business for good so to inspire others to think differently, thereby growing our collective impact on the world.” This vision is obviously more than a statement to Ingage Partners as they provide multiple environmental volunteer opportunities for employees and established a native plant and pollinator garden and a vegetable garden that can be enjoyed by the employees and the community.
The Ingage Partners Green Team also goes beyond simply sending out monthly sustainability tips and news. They’ve created sustainability challenges to get employees invested in sustainability efforts. The first challenge incentivized employees to not use disposable dishware, cups or utensils for two weeks. Those who successfully complete the challenges receive an award and hopefully also learn the benefits of waste reduction and sustainability.
“We think it’s important for organizations to focus on sustainability because we feel it’s no longer an option to choose to be sustainable.”
Elena Tarán, Ingage Partners
Assistance from Hamilton county
Hamilton County Recycling ReSource plays a valuable role in the success of our partners’ success. Contributions include internships, recycling bins, education, grants, and much more. Below are the specific contributions we have provided to Ingage’s waste reduction efforts.
- 513 Green Workplace Certification – 2020
- 2022 Outstanding Workplace Green Team
- Recycling bins provided for the office
- Waste reduction and organics consulting
- Employee education seminars